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Schoology and Google Assignments

When users experience Google Assignment issues it is likely that their browser is connected to a different Google account. The following troubleshooting tips will resolve the issue.

1. Log out of every instance of Google on the browser (log out of Google Assignments, log out of Google Drive, etc) > clear the browser's cache > double check the browser's settings and make sure that third-party cookies is turned off.
In Google Chrome
-> Navigate to: chrome://settings/content/cookies
-> Make sure that "Block 3rd party cookies" is turned off
The user should then log back into Schoology > go to the assignment > log in with school email address + password.
2. Use this Force Log Out link:
 Navigate to the Assignment (where they see My Documents)
 Visit this URL:
 Navigate back to the assignment and reconnect their Google Drive account
3. Revoke access:

One of the three above (or a combination of all three) will resolve Google Assignment issues.
These tips apply to both teachers and students alike

  • 1
  • 01-Feb-2024