Progress Fraud Protection to Prevent Cheating - Multiple Windows
- Last updated Aug 8, 2017
Plato Courseware has progress fraud prevention to prevent learners from keeping a content window open at the same time they have an assessment window open. It will periodically check if there is more than 1 lesson open for the same user. This will cause users with multiple lessons open to receive a notification preventing them from further use of both lessons. This enhances security to prevent cheating.
What happens if a learner opens multiple windows or sessions:
If a learner opens more than one content or assessment window, the last window opened will be the only one with recorded progress. This means that only the newest open window records progress for the learner. In addition, the other windows will receive an error or a warning such as the following:
"This courseware session is no longer valid" with a red triangle.
Mastery test or lesson disappears off of the screen (due to the newest session invalidating it) or following message appears "The resource you are trying to launch is locked"
The easiest way to determine if a student is encountering this is to check to see if they have multiple courseware windows open. This behavior is not restricted to just a single browser. If a student opens Plato Courseware in Chrome and Internet Explorer, this behavior will be exhibited.